If there's anyone reading this post that is not familiar with Artist Trading Cards - also known as atc's, go here to read about the history of atcs.
The simple ATC rules to follow are that your atc must measure 2.5 x 3.5 inches (64 X 89 mm), traded and never sold!, flat enough to fit into a plastic trading card sleeve, and signed and dated on the back of the card. I like to put my e-mail and blog address on my cards as well.
Only one rule for this Give-Away: Leave a comment that includes a one-word Artist Trading Card theme for 2009. That's it!
Also included in the Give-Away, are these black matboard substrates I use for a lot of my atcs. They originally come in huge sheets that the Marketing department at my "day job" throw away after a promotion. I rescue these sheets and cut them down to atc size using a Guillotine trimmer. I will also include some backgrounds I have created to get you started . . .

The winner of this Give-Away will be announced at noon on Wednesday the 31st. Tell a friend!
How about 'sublime' as the theme? That word and it's connotations take me away to a peaceful, perfect place...someplace I need to visit more often!
How about "ekphrasis"..."art that describes art"? [I can see your face now...lol.]
"Ekphrasis is generally understood as a skilled way of "describing" art and other aesthetic objects after it was learned as a tool of rhetoric. Using the rhetoric successfully was a means of demonstrating prowess, as a scholar and writer and eventually ekphrasis became an art that described art."
Generally refers to a detailed literary decription of a piece of art. But wouldn't it be cool to take something literary and represent it visually. I can see challenges throughout the year...and sharing the interesting artistic interpretations.
OK...if that doesn't work, how about "undamaged"...hehehe
love you!
CREATE that is what I would do if I won your giveaway!! Laurie
LOVING MY CHRISTMAS GIFTS! EEEEK! LOVE LOVE LOVE! Keep my name out of the hat. God knows (and you do too) I have enough stuff.
But I forgot the word: attitude
I propose fragments as a topic. Peggy
My contribution is book as a theme for ATCs...
My word would be innovative. In 2009 that is my goal!
Ooooo Sherry, LOVE the banner, it's looks FabUlous!!! {If I might say ;)
Fantastic atc's!!! Gorgeous women, love the bathing beauties too {just love those old photos like that} :) Always love birds {I could put them in every single piece of artowrk I do!!}
Let's see, a single word for you:
Wishing you many blessings for 2009 :)
xo Tiff
there are so may ways to define this word....
kari & kijsa
(Bet ya thought I couldn't do it!)
My contribution is memories as a theme for ATCs...
Wishing you and yours a very Happy Healthy New Year!
Now there is a word that encompasses a lot of things!
Happy New Year, Sherry!!
HI Sherry
Love your new banner. Happy New Year!!
Happy, happy new year!
What a great idea to confiscate the materials that are getting tossed at work. Here is a good word for an ATC theme: REPURPOSE!
Here is to finding many things to repurpose in 2009!
xoxo k
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