I received a package in the mail (photo above) a couple of days ago from my friend Mary Ann back in Ohio. The package simply read "I ran out of inspiration on this one. Your turn!"
I'm posting a photo of what Mary Ann sent me so I will get inspired to work on this tonight and tomorrow. I thought if I "put it out there", I would be forced to get creative (smiles).
I wonder if I should send her one of MY "ran-out-of-inspiration-pieces" as WELL! Here's what I'VE been working on . . . or should I say have NOT been working on.

Sherry, I looked at the bust and thought glue lots of cool buttons on it.
The book might use some color, like lots of vinage looking butterflies.
I need inspiration with Mother's day theme for "Mommie and Me" . Any ideas?
PS. Thanks for linking to me!
Thanks for the bust suggestion.
Too late on the book though. I just finished the first couple of layers using dress pattern tissue and paper with vintage 1958 dresses. Mary Ann LOVES old patterns and dresses, so that was my inspiration (smiles)
Now for your Mommie and Me Mother's Day Theme . . . how about using black and white or sepia-toned photos of the two of you and use a map of your "hometown" as the background?
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