If you live within driving distance to Long Beach, CA . . . If you love ribbons and trims . . . then you need to get yourself over to The Fabric Barn on Anaheim Street!
Following are just a few photos I have taken of the isles in the store. There are sooooooo many more. I always feel like I'm in ribbon heaven when I walk in this store.
I gave up trying to store and display my ribbon. It annoyed me too much - and took upo too much time and space.
Now as soon as i buy it, I cut it into 7" or 13" lengths, sort it into 2 color family piles (cool or warm) and store it flat in a neat folder from the Container Store. I use ribbons on the binders for my art journals and altered books. Gave up trying to glue them into my scrapbook pages - just annoyed me too much...
I am a mixed-media artist and instructor-convention junkie-thrift store and flea market shopper. Born in Chicago, raised in Indianapolis, lived in South Orange County until February 2015 when I packed up, sold just about everything I owned and left the country to travel the World!
I suffer from ARTzheimer's Disease (Artz'hi'merz) - A disease that affects many artists and renders them helpless in the search for remembering where they put many of their arts & crafts supplies in and around their homes or studios.
That really is my idea of heaven
Oh WOW, that is ribbon and trim heaven :)
WOW, WOW, WOW like on cloud seven....
Oh my gosh, if I went in there..I'd never come out..Fun Fun Fun..
smiles, Deena
Well if I walked into this store they would have to call 911 because I would fall over in a dead faint from sheer ribbon lust.
Love your blog banner.
I gave up trying to store and display my ribbon. It annoyed me too much - and took upo too much time and space.
Now as soon as i buy it, I cut it into 7" or 13" lengths, sort it into 2 color family piles (cool or warm) and store it flat in a neat folder from the Container Store. I use ribbons on the binders for my art journals and altered books. Gave up trying to glue them into my scrapbook pages - just annoyed me too much...
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