First I found a small white box with this crown rubberstamp in it with a note that said "fit for a queen". Awwwwww . . .

Then there was a much bigger box that was really heavy. Here are a few of the things that were packed inside . . .

love love LOVE the napkins with the birds . . . and the wine glass cozies . . .and the postcards . . .

and the assortment of book pages!

And the books and the tins and the fabric - OH MY! There was also a personal note in the larger box that included an artful challenge for me. Can't wait to get started! (smiles)
So that was Monday - now it's Tuesday and it's 5:30 a.m. Scheduled another late start day today, but I need to do some laundry, figure out something to wear today, stop at the bank, drop the manchild off at school, and, well, I guess with all of that to get done, I'd better get off this computer.
Have a wonderful day today!
"the manchild" - ha ha ha! Something tells me he isn't all about the old paper... but neither is my girlchild. Sigh.
He doesn't even have a clue! Sigh over here as well (no smiles)
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