I have started a series of pieces I'm calling Jazz on Canvas. I'm working with 5" x 5" and 5" x 7" canvases at the moment.
These are three pieces I'm working on concurrently . . .
Ella Fitzgerald and Louis Armstrong . . .

Eartha Kitt . . .

I've started going through my "rusted stuff" stash and have been auditioning pieces to add to the canvases. I will share the finished works when completed.
Have an art-filled weekend ahead!
I'll be at Paris to the Moon on Saturday. Any of you going to the event?
what do you mean packing to move?
I love your new paintings! And have fun at Paris to the Moon...I'll be at a all day crop in Orange!
Moving? Did that bathroom fiasco leak prompt this or has it been planned for a while?? Moving is never fun. I bet you aren't looking forward to it!!
Love the Eartha Kitt piece! She has always been a favorite of mine. Loved her voice! Very recognizable!!
Have fun tomorrow at Paris to the Moon! Wish I could join you!!
Hi Sherry, love your series Jazz on Canvas collection, some amazing textures/colours working alongside these wonderful images. I just love everything about the Ella Fitzgerald and Louis Armstrong canvas:) Take care and good luck with everything that is going on at the moment:)
She-e-e-e-e-e-ri-ee Bay-a-bee....ohman, that song always pops in my head when I type your name. LOL! Now you know!
I was at work when I visited your blog and my eyeballs nearly fell out when I saw your "jazz works!" I love everything about each one from the background colors to the images. Oh and the textures make me want to touch! What kind of texture is that? Love it!
I like the way the colors play along with the black and white images. Very cool.
Have a fun weekend!
Hugs and hope you are feeling better. I am finally feeling better, all my tests were wonderful all except for the bone loss in my neck, today it is hurting like mad.
Sherry, these canvases are fabulous. I love all the colours and the textures.
Eartha Kitt has always been a favorite of mine. The first time I went to NY she was starring in the musical, The Wild Party. What a woman! Boy did she command the stage and she was simply terrific in that show. I'm never going to forget that evening. Afterwards, I stood outside the theatre door, something I never do, just so I could say hi and thank her for a great evening of theatre. I was shocked at how itsy bitsy she was. So small, yet on stage, bigger than life. It was pretty cool getting to meet Eartha Kitt. Love your version of her in your Jazz On Canvas series!
Are you going to add Duke Ellington to your series?
Have fun at Paris To The Moon. I'm hoping to make it down there but I get easily sidetracked so, maybe not. ;-)
I love them all, especially the overhang!
I am in love with this Jazz serie
Wow, your Jazz series on canvas is incredible. I love all the wonderful details in your work and I just adore your color choices. Simply perfect! I love them all but especially the one with Ella Fitzgerald and Louis Armstrong!
Gaby xo
OMG Great job I love how Eartha's dress comes off the canvas. Great images you used.
Fabulous canvases, Sherry! Love them all! :o)
AWESOME! I love these and can hardly wait to see the finished works. You are very talented! Very bold, vibrant, striking artwork!
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