A Weekend Give-Away +1

Blog about it, mention it on your Facebook page, become a new follower or shout about it from your rooftop and you're "in it to win it"!

Win what????  See that bracelet at the beginning of the post?  Yep, that's what you win.  

AND, whoever wins?  I will create a custom-made Zentangle charm (similar to the charms on those necklaces I've been making) with your initial  . . . "just because".   Now really, isn't that just too special to pass up? 

So what are you waiting on???  Leave me a comment, a link, a notice that you're stalking me or if you shout about this giveaway from your rooftop, just have someone take a photo of you and then send it to me via e-mail.  Your call!

The winner will be announced 
Monday morning, March 8th

AND . . . in celebration of National Craft Month, Gauche Alchemy asked me if I would donate a piece of my artwork for their month-long giveaways.  You can see what I donated and enter to win HERE

Good Luck!


Nina said...

Hiya, Sherry! My name is Nina Patena and I'm on the Gauche Alchemy team with Amy and Heather.

Just wanted to let you know we posted your oh-so-gorgeous-oh-so-generous giveaway on our blog today.


Thank you so very much for gracing us with your talent and generosity.

Happy National Craft Month! =)


deb famularo said...

omigosh this is gorgeous Sherry! And it reminds me of Alice in Wonderland, then again, everything lately does! You do magnificent work my friend! Truly a talent! xOxO

Flor Larios Art said...

Thsi is cool Sherry!
Love the vintage look!

Contessa Kris said...

Oh goodness! It's beautiful! I'd love to win! I'm off to Facebook this. Have a wonderful day! Crossing fingers...

permanentcloud said...

um, this is the coolest giveaway EVER!!!


Hels Sheridan said...

Ohhh, ohhhhh, ohhhhhhhh, pleeeease pick me, this is adorable and I just know that it will make my wrist look ever so special :O)) Am popping you into my sidebar (well, not you literally cos that would mean that you would be locked in blogland and not able to get away to make stuff......eeeee, I will shut up now cos I am sounding a teensy bit made..hey what's new???ROFL)

Sue said...

Hi Sherry!

Oh yes!!! Would love to win this giveaway. I just did a blog post about it:


and will keep my fingers crossed!

As far as shouting from the rooftop? I would undoubtly fall off the roof and all you would hear would be a scream LOL


MLBetterly said...

Hi Sherry! What an awesome giveaway! I stumbled upon your blog today and have been looking around for a bit. i will be back again and again.

I am now "stalking" you and have added a post on my blog and Facebook about the giveaway. http://mlbetterly.blogspot.com/2010/03/ooooo-ahhhhha-fab-giveaway-alert.html

Fingers crossed.


Lori said...

I want it! I want it! This is so fabulous Sherry! Thanks for the opportunity to win one of your simply stellar pieces.

Joyce said...

Love...Love...Love it. Please include me in your give-away.

Pretty Things said...

I love it I love it I so love it!

Minxy said...

AH how cool, this would match my domino and vintage bingo number bracelet perfectly :P
hugs minxy

Kas said...

Your work is wonderful. That zentangle of the womans head a few posts down is BEAUTIFUL. I have seen so many, and usually, I am not impressed....but that is amazing!

Nancy Lynn said...

Oh be still, my heart. You know I loved your necklaces and now this wonderful bracelet. Wow.

Here's the link to my blog where I posted about your giveaway.


joy said...

Oh, this is to die for! I would love to win it - am now a follower and am going to go put this on the sidebar of my blog! Thanks for the chance to win such a cool giveaway!

Unknown said...

Lovely, lovely...I'm a new follower for sure!!

Nun of a Kind! said...

Absolutely love this bracelet!...and I am glad to have found your work! Count me in as a new follower....looking forward to seeing more of your work!

PolkadotToadstool said...

Awesome Bracelet! I just went and visited your Etsy shop, you do beautiful work!

Anonymous said...

I love fun charm bracelets! this one is so cool!

Maria Ontiveros said...

Wow - so glad I found your blog (thanks for leaving a commment on mine). I'd love to win the give-away. I'm putting your blog into my google reader, which is my way of stalking you.

Elaine A said...

Hi Sherry -

I can't believe the wealth of eye candy on your blog! Hels turned me on to you and WOW! You make the most outstanding pieces of art, just wonderful. The bracelet you've created for your giveaway is just brilliant. I'd love the opportunity to win it.
I want to make sure I don't miss anything you post in the future so I've added you to my Blogger Dashboard so I can follow you.

Elaine Allen

Andrea said...

Hi Sherry,

I'm lovin the artwork and the music on your blog. Would love to win one of those gorgeous pieces! You are one talented sistah! Andrea(Scraps of Color)

JAN said...

Hi Sherry I am so in love with your bracelet as a tarot enthusiast i love and collect cards of all kinds..and your bracelet is SUPERB!..thanks for the chance i am a follower and have added your giveaway to my blog side bar. ty for the chance hugs jan

Tristan Robin said...

woo hoo!
This is a fab bracelet - I want to use it as a head piece on my gypsy girl statue! She'll look like a diving - and divine! - princess!

I've added a photo and link to your giveaway from my sidebar - and I've facebooked it.

Is 'facebooking' a verb yet?

Pick me!


Tina Marie Rey said...

I added your link to my facebook page - http://www.facebook.com/?ref=logo#!/profile.php?id=1066678915&ref=mf
i hope you can see it there! This is great - i usually dont enter the blog contests, but this one i had to try for - your work is all me - i love it - keep creating and thank you for sharing!

Unknown said...

Pick me...Pick me...I'm off to facebook to tell the world! Your work is beautiful, thanks for doing a contest!

Ivy said...

Hi, I would love to be entered in your giveaway...thanks so much! I am following your blog...love it!

Unknown said...

Absolutely beautiful work ... really lovely X

Debbie said...

Hey Sherry...
What an awesome bracelet...I'd love to have it live here with me in Ohio.

CathyH said...

This is beautiful Sherry!
cathyhorner at embarqmail dot com


Talk about playing yo' hand!! These charms are sure to make anyone a winner at any card table. I love it!! Especially, the nice "worn" texture work...seems I've seen these cards on many tables. GREAT JOB!!!

Anonymous said...

great bracelet!!

Cher said...

soooooo cool! hope Im not too late! luv your work...would be thrilled to own some of it! ty for a chance...it is stunning! and *suits* me ! honest!

vvb32 reads said...

just wanted to say... what a wonderful whimsical piece! love it!