Friday Fill-Ins

if you want to play next week, just click on the Friday Fill-Ins picture above

1. When will my ship come in!?

2. Just Too Good to Be True was the last good book I read and Hawthorne is the last good show on tv I watched. I haven't been out to the movies in a looooooooong time.

3. Everything has its beauty but as Confucious says, not everyone sees it.

4. Nothing is what I had for dinner.

5. I'd like your weekend to be just the way you want it to be :)

6. In bed is where I want to be right now.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to getting in the bed and watching stuff I recorded on the dvr all week, tomorrow my plans include cleaning - what else is new! and Sunday, I want to do the same thing I did on Friday night - LOL!


Stampmaiden said...

Love reading your fill-ins! Your Friday and Sunday sound good to me.

Wildflowerhouse said...

I would like to do what you did Friday night all weekend long, but we have to finish staining the logs. (we live in a huge log home) We have been at this for two years!! Acck!*! IT will look fantastic when done but I may not survive to see it. LOL Sharon