I bought Kelly Rae Roberts' book, Taking Flight a couple of months ago. It's one of those books that you can read from cover to cover and keep going back and reading from cover to cover AGAIN!
I've been inspired to try some of the techniques that Kelly Rae and the contributing artists in her book have written. I've started a piece using a wood piece, some personal pieces of cards, favorite sayings, some sheet music and even a receipt from a little Italian restaurant I visited (every day on a business trip!) in San Francisco several years ago.
If you don't have this book, or even if you do, here is Part I of the piece I am working on:
I started off with a piece of 12" x 12" raw wood. Applied a couple of coats of gesso - let dry in between coats

Gathered, cut, and glued my collage of personal notes and ephemera and removed some of the paper "here and there" while the glue (I used Golden's Gel Medium) was still wet

I put a couple of dollups of Yellow Ochre and Titan Buff acrylic paints on a piece of palette paper

Rolled my brayer through the paints

Then rolled the brayer over the whole piece, and while the paint was wet, I took a wet paper towel and removed some of the paint to expose some of the writing and pieces I wanted exposed more

Then I added some Lettuce Alcohol Ink to my palette - with a little more of the paints, and brayered the piece again to give it another layer

I let that layer dry completely and then rubbed a Scattered Straw Distress Ink Pad randomly over the piece, followed by some Brushed Corduroy applied with my finger

Then I let that layer dry and applied some Walnut Ink Distress Ink on the edges and on the edges of some of the papers

I blended the inks with my finger and with another wet paper towel, I removed some more of the paint and inks from the background

This is the completed background after I worked and re-worked it

Then it was on to sketching a subject. I'm not good with faces, so I decided to only draw the bottom half of a face for my subject. I added some lips, a nose, some hair and of course some wings so she can fly if she wants to
Bottom of dress and the legs

I had to work today, and I'm tired, so this is it for today. Part II tomorrow or Friday will be painting the body, the dress, maybe add some rubberstamping - not sure right now

Thanks for following me and "the process".
Continue to be Creative Every Day!
Oh Sherry, she's beautiful. What a difference color makes! I can hardly wait to see the progress on Part II.
I love Kelly's art work too and her book is great.
Wonderful tutorial on the background process, thank you! I'm excited to try something like this! Peggy
This looks like fun! And I think it looks great so far! Can't wait to see the finished piece.
Sherry...when are you moving to Texas...I really mix my art bud...the techniques and your creative influence has created a masterpiece...I really wish we lived closer to each other.
1 more thing...I am going out to buy this book TODAY!
OK...just 1 more thing for real. I think I have Artzheimer's Disease. Simple cure though...a trip to Hobby Lobby, Joanne's, Michaels, etc.
this is so stinkin cool. LOVE your background.
Tim Holtz should seriously give you free stuff to use. Seriously.
Hi Sherry! Thanks for stopping by
"Blog Your Art Out" and for your comments about Susan and her blog. Your piece looks wonderful so far and I am going to follow along with you as you complete it. Please be sure to stop by next week when there will be a new art blog featured.
Fantastic!!! I love what you have done so far. My progress, I bought an autographed copy of the book!!
chris p
Fabulous, love her! Great background too :)
I am so stinkin excited...I love the book, I have poured over it again and again...Now, after seeing yours I am so inspired to give it a whirl!! Thanks for showing us!! Laurie
OOh I can't wait to see how she emerges on Friday. Love your process, I Never would have thought to use alcohol inks this way. Being exposed to new techniques keeps it FRESH!yeah!!
PS and I saw that nice comment on Robin's blog! you are too good to me!thanks, cyberhugs to you!
Thanks for sharing! I'm definitely going to try this out!
Very inspiring and beautiful Sherry! I bought that book with the best of intentions too!
My husband and I got a big chuckle out of your Artheimer's definition, he said he recognizes the symptoms!
love your blog, tutorials, your art and choice of music. very inspiring! thank you.
I am now a follower!
I have her book and now after seeing what you have done I need to get it out and start practicing...I love what you have done..hugs, cheryl
Sherry you are a star, love how you share your stages... absolutely brilliant my friend x
This is awesome to see step by step. I have not done this type of artwork because I am so intimidated by paint, but you made it look like fun!
Thanks for stopping by my blog for the OWOH giveaway!
reading backwards chronologically, I know see she has no face! I'm inspired to go play with my ink pads though.
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