I thought what I'm doing today might be something you would be interested in doing as well.

Jessie over at Sweet Jessie has put together this really neat project! You send her 50-70, 6" x 9" pieces of paper: ledger, graph, lined, sheet music, wallpaper, etc., $8 to cover shipping and binding charges, and Jessie will send back a 50-70 sheet bound journal of papers from other participants. Now isn't that just the coolest?
Your papers need to be in her hands by January 23rd, so don't dawdle if you want to participate.

Ok, this IS the coolest - I have way too much paper, so what a great way to channel them into something wonderful. Great business idea for Jessie, too!
I love your paper stash:)Please post pics of your finished scrap journal.
Your paper is AMAZING! Can't wait to get it in my hot little hands :)
oo, what a fun project. you've got some great paper too!
I can't wait to see your journal! And look at your cute self over there on the left.
Fascinating and fun! Lovely paper :)
Wow, what a cool idea! Thanks for sharing :).
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