Cigar Box Purse Workshop Today

One of the ladies at my *day job* hosted a Collaged Cigar Box Purse Workshop that I taught today, at her sister's home. A good time was had by all . . .

The ladies selecting their cigar boxes, papers, and beads for their purse handles

Arlene asking herself . . ."which beads should I use"???

Renee modeling the necklace that she picked up at the thrift store to use as the handle for her purse. It was PERFECT!

Irene and Lisa choosing their beads and papers

And of course we had to stop and take a break for some Wing Stop wings, veggies, salsa, guacamole, some kind of cream puffs . . . it was a FEAST!

Trina's purse in the making with photos of her sons

Lisa working diligently on her purse

The strawberries that we had with our champagne

One side of Renee's purse

The Simpsons' side of Renee's purse

Arlene's purse with finished handle

Lisa's purse with one more coat of glaze for the road

If you would like to host a workshop like the one I did today, all you need to do is contact me to set a date, choose a workshop, and then invite a minimum of 5 of your friends/family members/co-workers (not including yourself). The party host will receive the workshop at no cost!


Anonymous said...

I would like to add what a wonderful time I had at the party. Not only was I around funny and beautiful people, I made the purse that screams "Renée" that I waited a month to make. I needed a purse badly so thanks to the hostess Arlene for inviting me and the Artist Sherry for teaching me how to create such a cool purse.

Very Mary said...

Oh, how fun!

That Girl Ang said...

Hey was that a picture of you on Renee's Purse?... LOL