Remember "My Outing on March 24th* blog entry? It's when I finally found a (somewhat) local store that sells oil cloth? Well, I have finally started doing something with it!
Saturday I drove out to Lezlei's, who had offered to give me a sewing lesson. Well, she didn't really *offer*, I asked and she said yes. I'm writing this because Lezlei is moving to Texas next weekend and should have probably been packing, but she took the entire day/night to give me sewing lessons. Now THAT'S a true friend!
So after setting up, cutting, and making my first 2 bags (see below), we had worked up an appetite.

The table. Set up with not 1 but 2 sewing machines! And guess which one Lezlei let ME use? That's right . . . the Bernina. And although I only have an old singer machine, I had heard about Berninas.

First bag I made using oil cloth

My second bag using a cotton fabric with a similar print as my oil cloth bag

And LOOK! I even learned how to make a lining!!
So we took time out to grab some grub at a local BBQ spot, Joey's Barbecue. After the #4 which included 1 beef rib, 1 sausage (ground, seasoned and stuffed right there at Joey's), chicken, bbq baked beans (the best ever), a baked yam with butter AND marshmallow cream, garlic bread, and a fresh squeezed lemonade, I thought it was "all over but the shoutin'" for getting back to all that sewing. I needed a nap!
When we returned, I made a pretty simple draw string wine bag to ease back into the groove of things.

But then it was on to the coupon wallet. I have to tell you, working with oil cloth is not as easy as working with cotton. Here's a photo of my almost finished coupon wallet:

The double folded bias tape I bought is only 1/4" and is way too thin for my wallet. Fortunately I saved the receipt and can take my 3 packages back to JoAnn's today and get the 1/2" size and finish my wallet:

Here is the outside - closed and without the bias tape yet. I made the cover from some of the oil cloth:

Didn't get home until after midnight! And I still needed to get my clothes ironed for the Teen Driver Safety Fair today in El Monte. Oh darn it!:_($@ it's almost 10:00, and I have to be there at 11:00am and it's 50 miles from home!
Gotta run - have a great day today!!
LOVING the sewing, and feeling the pain of the day job.
Geesh, woman, you have outdone yourself. I love the wallet; back and front. The inspiration is you!!!
Love what you're doing with the oil cloth, Sherry! Being an optician in my day job, I'd love to be able to take your latest workshop! I think I'm living on the wrong coast. Off to Virginia A and S next week. Will check on your latest creations when I get back!
I love your bags! And I SO enjoy talking with you at Whimzy! I have met many interesting people, but girl, you are truly inspiring. Not to mention FUN! I hope I see you at the next JasVil Fleamarket!
Thanks Sheryl - I enjoy talking with you as WELL! Love your store and can hardly wait for the next Flea Market Sunday, May 25th!!
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